Cafe Presso Sokos إلى Kuopio.

معلومات حولCafe Presso Sokos إلى Kuopio.

Tel .: 0509115676

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Cafe Presso Sokos موجود في Kuopio.

Cafe Presso Sokos يقع في Haapaniemenkatu.

Cafe Presso Sokos في انتظارك.

قم بزيارةCafe Presso Sokos إلى Kuopio وانظر بنفسك.

تحقق من الاتجاهات.

  • Reviews:
    The press is for every day to have time for your own good moment. We want to cherish a close and homely café culture. The coffee is good for Finnish taste and definitely fresh. The buns, rolls and snacks are delicious, baked on site and always fresh - we

  • Website:

  • Description: The press is for every day to have time for your own good moment. We want to cherish a close and homely café culture. The coffee is good for Finnish taste and definitely fresh. The buns, rolls and snacks are delicious, baked on site and always fresh - we

    Cuisine: Confectionery;coffee_shop