Mary Wollstencraft Godwin w London.
Informacje o . Mary Wollstencraft Godwin w London.
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Mary Wollstencraft Godwin znajduje się w London.
Mary Wollstencraft Godwin Znajduje się przy ulicy Pancras Road.
Mary Wollstencraft Godwin oczekuje od Ciebie.
Zwiedzaj siebie Mary Wollstencraft Godwin w London i przekonaj się sam.
Recenzje z sieci:
Mary Wollstencraft Godwin (1759 – 1797) memorial. Writer, philosopher and advocate of women's rights; mother of Mary Shelley nee Godwin. Her remains were moved in 1851 by grandson Percy Florence Shelley to his family tomb, St Peter's Church, Bournemouth.Description: Mary Wollstencraft Godwin (1759 – 1797) memorial. Writer, philosopher and advocate of women's rights; mother of Mary Shelley nee Godwin. Her remains were moved in 1851 by grandson Percy Florence Shelley to his family tomb, St Peter's Church, Bournemouth.