Valerio |> London.
Cafe Costa |> London.
ARQ |> London.
Sounds II |> London.
Electric Works London |> London.
Cafe Coffee Break & Restaurant |> London.
Cafe The Nile Cafe |> London.
Community_centre Widford Tenants Association Hall |> London.
Parking_entrance Imperial Car Park |> London.
Cafe Coco’s Café and Espresso Bar |> London.
Philip Alexander |> London.
Restaurant Brother Marcus |> London.
Nara Simone Medispa |> London.
Hospital British Home & Hospital for Incurables |> London.
Pawnbroker Gold Stores |> London.
Cafe Starbucks |> London.
Pharmacy Day Lewis Pharmacy |> London.
DIY Art Shop |> London.
Internet_cafe Smart Internet Shop |> London.
Poplar Mini Market |> London.