The Old Rectory |> York.
Post_office Bugthorpe Post Office |> York.
Mr Snips Barbers |> York.
Restaurant Roots |> York.
Place_of_worship Emmanuel Lutheran Church |> York.
Post_office Raskelf Post Office |> York.
Auto Services York Ltd. |> York.
Morrisons Daily |> York.
Pub O'Neils |> York.
Super Motel 8 |> York.
Select |> York.
Fast_food Blue Anchor |> York.
Fast_food Jersey Mike's Subs |> York.
Blue Tree Gallery |> York.
Fast_food Papa John's |> York.
Melton |> York.
Ryman |> York.
Newton House |> York.
Dentist Windmill Orthodontics |> York.
The Maltings |> York.