Prior Park إلى Bath.

معلومات حول Prior Park إلى Bath.

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Prior Park موجود في Bath.


Prior Park يقع في Ralph Allen Drive.

Prior Park في انتظارك.

قم بزيارة Prior Park إلى Bath وانظر بنفسك.

تحقق من الاتجاهات.

  • Reviews:
    18th-century landscape garden designed with advice from famous garden designer Capabilility Brown.

  • Website:

  • Blind description: Designated mobility parking phone to book 01225 833977 Partly accessible steep slopes dramatic view reachable from path with only slight slope at start See

    Description: 18th-century landscape garden designed with advice from famous garden designer Capabilility Brown.

    wikipedia: En:Prior Park

    Operator: National Trust