Restaurant Marielas Taco إلى Los Angeles.

معلومات حولRestaurant Marielas Taco إلى Los Angeles.

Tel .: +1-213-413-0484

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Restaurant Marielas Taco موجود في Los Angeles.

Restaurant Marielas Taco يقع في Sunset Boulevard.

Restaurant Marielas Taco في انتظارك.

قم بزيارةRestaurant Marielas Taco إلى Los Angeles وانظر بنفسك.

تحقق من الاتجاهات.

  • Reviews:
    Mariela's Taco is a small taqueria located at the border of Silver Lake and Echo Park. It specializes in tacos, but the restaurant also carries burritos, sopes, tortas and more. It is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  • Description: Mariela's Taco is a small taqueria located at the border of Silver Lake and Echo Park. It specializes in tacos, but the restaurant also carries burritos, sopes, tortas and more. It is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Cuisine: Mexican;tacos