Hali kids إلى Halifax.

معلومات حول Hali kids إلى Halifax.

Tel .: +1-902-409-8720

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Hali kids موجود في Halifax.

Hali kids يقع في South Park Street.

Hali kids في انتظارك.

قم بزيارة Hali kids إلى Halifax وانظر بنفسك.

تحقق من الاتجاهات.

  • The Hali kids in Halifax is wheelchair friendly.

  • Website:

  • Blind description: Door at street-level, no stairs, not automated. Open space for maneuvering around store, and an accessible washroom complete with hardware, however washroom also used for storage and customers were generally directed to Humani-T Café. #DalOT

    shop: Toys