Hali kids إلى Halifax.
معلومات حول Hali kids إلى Halifax.
Tel .: +1-902-409-8720
قد تجد هنا معلومات إضافية عن اسم تلقائي
Hali kids موجود في Halifax.
Hali kids يقع في South Park Street.
Hali kids في انتظارك. h2>
قم بزيارة Hali kids إلى Halifax وانظر بنفسك. p>
The Hali kids in Halifax is wheelchair friendly.
http://www.halikids.comBlind description: Door at street-level, no stairs, not automated. Open space for maneuvering around store, and an accessible washroom complete with hardware, however washroom also used for storage and customers were generally directed to Humani-T Café. #DalOT
shop: Toys